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SEND7 or Simple English News Daily is a 7-minute podcast released Monday to Friday. We tell the most important stories from around the world, in easy, clear language. The podcast is mostly aimed at English learners and people with English as a second language, however, many native speakers have told us that they too enjoy hearing a clear summary of world events in 7 minutes.


Episodes are usually uploaded at midnight CET (8AM in Tokyo) and can be found in all major podcast apps. Access to the podcast is totally free and for a small contribution, listeners can also read the transcripts every day. You may reproduce the podcast however you wish, as long as you acknowledge the source.


We sometimes broadcast listeners' comments and opinions on news stories. Send your message to or send an audio message via



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Stephen Devincenzi

is founder and host.

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Ben Mallett

hosts Thursdays.

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Juliet Martin

hosts sometimes.

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Khadija Tahir

operates social media.

SEND7 is 100% independent, and is dedicated to unbiased reporting of world events. 

Play SEND7 directly on your website

If your school or business has a website, you can put the SEND7 spotify player on it - that looks like this:






To do this copy and paste this code into an HTML box:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="232" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

If this does not work, or you don't have spotify in your country, please contact us.

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Send us an email

For all other inquiries leave your message below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for submitting!

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